Who are you?

    From speaking to a client yesterday regarding @CORE Powered by BPM (how it helps candidates to stand out), the client mentioned they recently received a CV of a candidate not just detailing their educational, career history, key achievements etc but her core values, who she really was and what she had learnt in each role.

    It got me thinking about my what CV and core values would look like. So here goes:

    Pre work: Family

    Treat people as you would expect to be treated by others!
    Manners cost nothing!

    Early working life:

    Role: Pot wash and Kitchen Hand

    We’re only as good as the last meal we’ve served!
    If it’s not right, don’t send it out!
    A positive reputation talks years to build and days to destroy!

    Role: Retail Assistant

    You have two ears and one mouth!
    Listen to the customer and if you don’t have what they require,always offer them a similar alternative.
    This was always fun whilst working on the trainer section at a well-known high street retailer

    Role: Face to face, direct sales

    Never assume!
    Treat every door as an opportunity
    Every no is one step closer to a yes!
    Invest in some comfortable shoes!

    Role: Telesales, Sports hospitality

    The phone is like an aeroplane… If it’s not in the air, it’s not making money!
    Buying cheap isn’t always the best option! and we were cheap!
    Under promise and over deliver (Sadly this never happened)


    It’s ok not the be the smartest person in the room
    If you don’t understand, ask


    You’re only as good as your weakest team mate
    Nobody makes mistakes on purpose
    You win as a team and lose as a team

    Honesty, teamwork, transparency, hard work and communication were key in all environments

    Oh and having fun helped!

    What core values and experiences have influenced you?